Monday, February 12, 2007

Welcome to the WSOGMM

Many of you may be wondering what in the world the title of my blog, "Whole Sort of General Mish Mash", is really supposed to mean. Rather than try to describe it myself, I will refer you to your copy of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (if you have the complete edition with all 5 books), if not it is simply discussed in "Mostly Harmless" by Douglas Adams. If by some odd freak accident, you do not own said publication, simply enter the phrase into wikipedia. While I don't normally consider it a 100% accurate source, for things of this matter it is usually spot on.

I think this title works best for my blog because it gives visitors an idea of what will be going on here, in a very general way. Fans of Douglas Adams will be instantly drawn to the title and have an idea of my own personal style. Non-Adams fans will understand that pretty much anything could be going on, even though they do not "get" the reference. This is what I tell myself so that I can accept my decisions and ultimately sleep at night. Which I can't, because I am a liar and I know it. That is really where the whole thing falls apart.

With all of that out of the way, I would like to introduce myself, I am Bob Wiscott. Who is Bob Wiscott, some of you may be asking, Bob Wiscott is a man from north-east Ohio. I have a job and a wife, a car and an apartment. I enjoy video games, paintball, computers and technology and pool. I play D&D (dungeons and dragons) with my cousin every other friday night, I am a fighter in this campaign, I carry a largel sword and roll many dice. I did not start playing D&D until about 6 months ago, oddly enough, I am becoming more of a nerd as I get older.

I like that introduction, as fragmented as it is, I like it. I am not your traditional writer, I use too many commas. I think I type like Captain Kirk talks in everyone's memory. Some of you may not enjoy it, some may tolerate it, a select few may actually enjoy it. Those select few will not survive long if Darwin had any merit in his theories. As you may have noticed, I can have a very dry sense of humor, I grew up on a lot of British comedy. I am one of those people who can and do recite large portions of Monty Python skits.

I think this is enough for an introduction, there are still things that you do not know about me, but I have to leave some type of mystery for you, the reader, to discover. So thank you for reading this, if anyone does, and I hope you will come back and read more. I would appreciate it.


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